On the upper part of the Tigaiga range, in the village of Icod el Alto there is preserved among thenew constructions the structure of the old chapel dedicated to Our Lady of Providence.
This church dates back to the last third of the 16th century where a chapel standing on the estates of Sebastián Grimón, dedicated to Our Lady of the Rosary is mentioned. In the following century the dedication must have changed to Our Lady of Good Voyage, as it has been known ever since. In 1930 it became a parish church.
The building consists of a single nave with a chancel and laterally attached sacristies. The façade has been remodelled over time, up to three times in the 20h century alone.
Inside there are several interesting 17th and 18th century works of Canarian art. Firstly, the name giving Saint, who is widely worshipped in the area, as well as sculptures of Saint Benedict, Saint Anthony of Padua and Saint Joseph. There are also a number of paintings depicting Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Our Lady of the Rosemary, the Crucifixion, Jesus, Saint Margaret and Golgotha.
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