
The historic town of Los Realejos, which covers an area of 57.5 sq kilometres, is situated in the north of Tenerife and has 38,000 citizens. It offers an exceptional combination of nature, adventure, history progress and tradition, which have earned the town the reputation of the most festive town in Spain.

Whether stepping into the depths of a ravine while unravelling the secrets our flora and fauna conceal…paragliding and experiencing the freedom of a bird… sampling our varied and exquisite gastronomy, while tasting a nice glass of the best white wine in
Tenerife or staying in one of our wonderful rural houses…

…everything is possible in Los Realejos.

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Look… Open up your eyes and plunge into the velvety greenness of the sheer mountains.

Look… Open up your eyes and plunge into the velvety greenness of the sheer mountains, slopes and ravines of Los Realejos, and become one with its scintillating blue skies and the immensity of the ocean, which lures us into its crystal clear water. Ride on the crest of a wave, hike one of the many trails or fly the void while paragliding and merge with space…

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Taste… Feel an explosion of flavours in your mouth when tasting our excellent bittersweet white wine

Taste… Feel an explosion of flavours in your mouth when tasting our excellent bittersweet white wine… when tasting the smooth texture of our ‘bonita’ potatoes… when tasting our Canarian black pig… our goat meat… our locally produced honey… Let yourself get carried away by a town with a taste of old.

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Touch… Ancient, humid, prolific, solid.

Touch… Ancient, humid, prolific, solid… Perceptions of our rich cultural and historical heritage… It was in the emblematic landmark of Los Realejos that peace was made between the aboriginal ‘guanches’ and the Castilian people… Such an important event contributed to the creation of some great monuments of Canarian architecture and moulded the strong personality of a one-of-a-kind town with subtle care.

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Smell… Incense, sea salt, roasted cereal, old house aromas.

Smell… Incense, sea salt, roasted cereal, old house aromas… the essence of a sustainable future, which stems from a deeply rooted agricultural tradition and turns into stylish rural villas and a real haven of peace and tranquillity, where the town is reborn like a Phoenix rising from the ashes… the essence of gunpowder confers the town the strength to offer visitors the warmth of a fully renewed spirit that can be felt in the air…

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Hear… Listen to the town’s zeal, which brings back to life ancient traditions with the roar of fireworks to awaken the sleeping ‘guanche’.

Hear… Listen to the town’s zeal, which brings back to life ancient traditions with the roar of fireworks to awaken the sleeping ‘guanche’, whose latent spirit unleashes to the trilling of the blackcap and the ever-present sinuous rolling sea… this fervour gets stronger each and every February, May, July, August… in the hearts of the people from Los Realejos…

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