The “Los Príncipes” estate was founded by Alonso Fernández de Lugo, governor of the Canaries, who reserved for himself the best and most fertile land of this part of the Orotava valley.
The Princes’ Manor is one of the most representative constructions of civil heritage in Los Realejos, not only because of its historic importance in terms of socio-economic evolution in the north of Tenerife, but also because of its architectural layout.
The importance of this manor as regards economy contributed to the arrival of foreigners, who settled and formed the first urban area.
Nowadays, it’s regarded as an emblematic building, with gardens that were greatly admired by travellers in the past. The original construction was transformed along the centuries that followed and, therefore, increased its size. Access to the main façade is gained through a crenelated gate, located next to San Sebastian hermitage. Its architectural development can be seen from the trail to Icod el Alto, on the way to Tigaiga. The building features a gallery with a balcony on the second floor. In addition to the exterior balcony, there were two lookouts. There are hardly any remains of the old factory.
This was the first manor in Tenerife to be equipped with a sugar factory, but there were also some mills (some of which are still preserved and located up Los Molinos Street), wine presses and ponds. Many of its administrators –some of which were English, French and Italian- stood out in the social, cultural and artistic life of Los Realejos.
The Princes’ Manor was named after the Princes of Asculi, because of the marriage between the island’s governor’s fourth niece, Porcia Magdalena de Lugo, and Antonio Luis de Leyva, third Prince of Asculi (Italy) and Marquis of Atela. No one really knows whether the Princes ever visited the manor.
It was declared a Cultural Heritage Site, under the category of ‘Monument’ in the year 2009. Though, the frame of this protection became broader in 2013 and it now includes all of the preserved elements of the old hydraulic system.
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