- Jan 5th – Eve of the Epiphany. “Cabalgata de los Reyes Magos” (The Three Wise Men Parade)
- Sunday closest to the 17th Jan – “Romería de San Antonio Abad”( outdoor event involving traditional music and food + agricultural procession).Location: Tigaiga
- Jan 22nd – “San Vicente Mártir”(St. Vicent, Martyr). Location: San Vicente
- Last weekend in Jan – “San Sebastián Mártir”( St. Sebastian Martyr). Location: Realejo Bajo
- February or March – Carnival
- Last weekend in April – “Cruz del Peral”. Location: Realejo Alto
- May 2nd and 3rd – May Crosses and Fireworks.
- May 3rd – “Invención de la Santa Cruz”(Invention of the Holy Cross) Montaña de los Frailes. Route of the crosses and May Fireworks Show. Location: Calle El Medio and Calle El Sol. “Santa Cruz” (Holy Cross). Location: Montaña de Los Frailes.
- Second weekend in May – “Santa Cruz”(Holy Cross). Location: El Dornajo, Icod El Alto and La Carrera
- All month – May celebrations.
- May 15th – “Romería Chica”(outdoor event involving traditional music and food + agricultural procession). Realejo Alto
- Third weekend in May- “Baile de Magos”( Outdoor celebration involving traditional clothes, food and music of the municipality). Location: Realejo Alto
- Last Sunday in May – “Romería de San Isidro”(outdoor event involving traditional music and food + agricultural procession). Location: Realejo Alto, Recorrido
- Following Monday – “Lunes de Remedios” (Remedies Monday). Location: Realejo Alto
- Corpus Christi
- “Corazón de Jesús”(the Heart of Jesus). Location: Realejo Bajo y La Cruz Santa.
- June 13th – “San Antonio de Padua”(St Anthony of Padua). Location: San Agustín y La Carrera
- First weekend in June – “Romería San Antonio” (outdoor event involving traditional music and food + agricultural procession). Location: Palo Blanco e Icod el Alto
- June 23 – Eve of “San Juan. Enrame de chorros”( St. John. Well Flowering and Fountain Dressing). Location: La Montañeta, La Zamora, El Mocán y Tigaiga
- June24th – “San Juan Bautista”(St John the Baptist). Location: Capilla San Juan, El Lance
- Weekend closest to the 24th June – “Santa Cruz” ( the Holy Cross) . Location: La Corona and Tanque de Arriba (La Sombrera)
- June 29th – “San Pedro Apóstol”( St. Peter the Apostle) Fruit Arch by St. Peter’s Hermitage. Location: ermita de San Pedro, Rambla de Castro
- Last weekend in June – “Santa Cruz” (Holy Cross). Location: Cruz del Agua, Icod el Alto. San Tarsicio ( St. Tarcisius). Location: Realejo Bajo
- First weekend in July – “San Benito Abad”(St.Benedict). Location: San Benito. “Santa Cruz”(the Holy Cross). Location: La Higuerita
- July 16th- Celebrations of Our Lady of Mount Carmel
- All month – “Fiestas de Ntra. Sra. del Carmen”(Celebrations of Our Lady of Mount Carmel). Location: San Agustín
- Third weekend in July – “Ntra. Sra. del Carmen” (Our Lady of Mount Carmel). Location: La Cartaya
- July 25 – “Santiago Apóstol”(St. James Apostle). Location: Realejo Alto
- Last week of July – “Santa Cruz y Santa Marta”(the Holy Cross and St.Martha).Location: Las Toscas de Romero
- Last Sunday in July – “Octava de la Virgin”(Procession in veneration of the Virgin). Location: San Agustín
- Following Monday – “Lunes del Carmen”(Lady of Mount Carmel Monday). Location: San Agustín
- First weekend in August – “San Cayetano”( St Cajetan). Location: La Montañeta. “Ntra. Sra. de los Dolores”(Our Lady of Sorrows). Location: Palo Blanco
- August 15th – “Ntra. Sra. de la Candelaria”( Our Lady of the Candles). Location: La Piñera
- Penultimate weekend in August – “Ntra. Sra. de los Afligidos”( Our Lady comforter of the Afflicted). Location: Realejo Bajo
- Third weekend in August – “Ntra. Sra. de Las Nieves”(Our Lady of the Snows). Location: La Zamora – Grimona. “Sagrada familia”(the Holy Family). Location: Lomo la Viuda
- August 28 – “San Agustín”(St Augustine). Location: San Agustín
- Last weekend in August – “Ntra. Sra. del Buen Viaje”(Our Lady of Safe Travels). Location: Icod el Alto. “Santa Cruz”(Holy Cross). Location: El Jardín. “Virgen Milagrosa”(the Mary Inmaculate). Location: La Ferruja – Camino Atravesado, “San Sigfrido”. Location: Chanajiga
- First weekend in September- “Ntra. Sra. de la Concepción”(Our Lady of the Conception). Location: Tigaiga. “Santa Cruz” (Holy Cross). Location: El Mocán. “Cruz del Castaño y San Antonio Abad” (the Castaño Cross and St. Anthony). Location: Las Llanadas. “Ntra Sra del Socorro”. Location: Socorro Beach
- September 8th – “Ntra. Sra. De Los Remedios”(Our Lady of Remedies). Location: Realejo Alto.
- Second weekend in September – “Ntra. Sra. de Guadalupe”(Our Lady of Guadalupe). Location: Toscal – Longuera. “Santa Cruz y Virgen de Los Remedios” Location: El Horno. “Festejos populares”.Location: Camino Nuevo – Calle La Paz
- Third weekend in September – Festividad del Cristo de la Redención, Location: Realejo Bajo
- September 24th – “Ntra. Sra. de Las Mercedes”.Location: La Cruz Santa
- October 4th – “San Francisco de Asís”(St Francis of Assis). Location: Realejo Bajo
- October 7th – “Ntra. Sra. del Rosario”(Our Lady of the Rosary). Location: Realejo Bajo
- November 3rd – “San Martín de Porres”(St Martín of Porres). Location: Placeres – La Romera
- November 22nd – “Santa Cecilia”(St Cecilia). Location: Realejo Bajo
- November 30th – “San Andrés Apóstol”(St Andrew the Apostle). Location: Todo el municipio
- December 8th – “Inmaculada de Concepción”(Mary Inmaculate). Location: Realejo Bajo
- December 24th – Christmas Eve, live nativity scene. Tigaiga, El Jardín, San Benito and Realejo Bajo