Located at the foot of the imposing Ruiz ravine, this recreational area is equipped with wide wooden tables and benches, drinking fountains, barbecues, toilets, etc.
It’s the starting point of the trail that goes through the depths of the ravine, which was declared a Site of Scientific Interest under the Canary Law of Natural Spaces.
- Where is it?
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Sitio de Interés Científico de Barranco Ruiza 0,76 km
Ort von wissenschaftlichem Interesse Barranco de Ruíza 0,76 km
Site of Scientific Interest: The Ruiz Ravinea 0,76 km
Barranco Ruiza 1,08 km
Cementerio de San Antonioa 1,15 km
Friedhof von San Antonioa 1,15 km
Cemetery of Saint Anthonya 1,15 km
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Waschplatz vom Barranco de Castroa 1,39 km