Located in the neighbourhood of El Jardín, this interesting 18th-century building has its own hermitage, which was erected at the beginning of the 20th century.
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Hazienda Poggioa 0,00 km
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Kapelle von Nuestra Señora de Lourdesa 0,02 km
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Hazienda von San Ildefonso – Las Canales – Jardines de Castroa 0,23 km
The Manor of St. Ildefonso - The Reeds - Castro's Gardensa 0,23 km
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The Princes’ Manor
The Castro Manor
The Four Windows Manor
The Viscount of Buen Paso Manor
Manors of ‘Las Chozas’, ‘La Rambla’, ‘El Socorro’ and ‘La Torre y Ruiz’
The Knife Manor
The Manor of St. Ildefonso - The Reeds - Castro's Gardens
The Coronela Manor
The Threshing Floor House
The Wall Manor
The Gorvorana Manor
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The Cockpit House
The Zárate-Salazar Family Manor
Palo Blanco House
Hoya de Pablo Hamlet